Omni-Channel Delivery

Driving forces dictating tomorrow’s customer delivery model.

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Be more competitive in an Omni-Channel world

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Add value in the early stages and throughout the customer journey

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Balance utilization of staff and automation

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Rapidly detect and identify needs

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Be more relevant to your customers

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Reduce risk for your organization and customers

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Increase acquisitions of deposit and lending customers, and reduce abandonments

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Expand your delivery capabilities across channels

Customer Journey Alignment: How Connects meets needs through the five customer journey stages

Customer Journey Alignment

Identifying and meeting your customers’ needs in an Omni-channel world presents many challenges. Detect your customers’ needs earlier in the customer journey. Use automation to deliver timely and relevant engagement. Meet your institution’s needs of increasing acquisition, improving staff efficiency, and retaining your customers.

Customer Data Drives Engagement

Your institution has a wealth of information about your customers. Imagine using automation to increase that knowledge and even gather information about prospects browsing through digital channels. Let data drive personalized and timely engagement. Provide your staff with a 360-degree view of your customers. Improve your services and processes with management insight.

Customer Data Platform: Data drives personalized and timely engagement
Customer Acquisition Model: Detect, Quantify, Respond, and Measure

Improve Your Acquisition Success

Improve your institution’s acquisition strategy with automation:

  • Detect website prospects, quantify their needs and readiness to purchase, respond at the right time with relevant offers, and measure success.
  • Support your customers with a personal financial planning tool to help them meet their goals.
  • Increase your staff’s efficiency with referrals management capabilities.

Streamline the Path to Fulfillment

Let automation escort your customer through fulfillment. Help your consumer and business prospects and customers meet their deposit and lending needs in a frictionless Omni-channel environment. Complete start, stop, and resume capabilities across digital, human, or a blend of channels simplify the process, improve customer experience, and streamline the path to meeting needs.

Path to Fulfillment: Let automation escort your customer through the steps to fulfillment
Optimize Staff Utilization: Meet customer needs through digital, branch, and contact center, or a blend of channels

Optimize Use of Human Assets

As consumer demand for the convenience of self-service increases, so does the desire for easy access to human help. Connects provides a seamless Omni-channel approach to transaction processing. Your customers can have their needs met wherever they choose to do business. Meet customers where they are, through digital, branch, contact center, or a blend of channels.

Reduce Risk

Fraudsters have upped their game in an Omni world. Reduce your risk without frustrating your customers. Protect your institution across channels efficiently and effectively.

Reduce Customer, Credit, Transactional, and Compliance Risk

Introducing Connects

We equip financial institutions to meet the shifting needs of an Omni world. Connects can help you expand Omni-channel delivery, drive personalized and relevant engagement, increase customer acquisition, use your staff more efficiently, and reduce risk.

Staying Engaged Throughout the Customer Journey

Connects delivers what you need to be competitive through Omni-channel delivery. Extend your customer acquisition strategy, improve customer experience, streamline your fulfillment process, provide efficient self-service and staff-assisted service, and listen to the voice of your customers across all stages of the customer journey.

  • Prospecting
  • Intelligent Lead Generation through Needs detection, Propensity
    quantification, and Relevant and timely content
  • Financial planning and advice
  • Deposits and lending applications
  • Abandonment/retargeting
  • Decisioning
  • Compliant documents and disclosures
  • eSignature
  • Funding
  • Onboarding validation
  • Real-time customer and account maintenance
  • Back-office collaboration/SLA tracking
  • Consumer and business customers
  • 360° institutional knowledge
  • Classify market segments/predictive CVI
  • Contact and event tracking
  • Measure customer satisfiers/dissatisfiers
  • Pipeline Tracking and Forecasting
  • Campaigns
  • Appointment scheduling
  • Referrals
  • Goals management and performance tracking
  • Account management, book of business, call planning
  • Customer identity verification
  • Due diligence
  • Credit risk
  • Predictive Attrition
  • Operational
  • Risk
  • Revenue / Sales conversions